Custom Memorial Bench
The custom memorial bench is a beautiful way to recognize those that have passed. This bench was designed to honor the victims of the Pulse Night Club Shooting. When tragedy strikes, it’s always beautiful to see how the community comes together. We feel so honored to have had the privilege to make this bench for the state of Florida.
To get started on your memorial bench, give us a call at (801) 960-6323 or click the button below.
Send Your Design Ideas
When ordering, be sure to email us your design ideas. This can be an AI or PSD file, Word Document, or skimple sketches on a notepad. For this custom memorial bench, we were sent the text for the inscription on the back and worked with them on placement.
Create A Proof
Once our team feels the design is ready, a proof will be emailed to you. This will give you a chance to go over the bench and make any modifications that you would like. After we have been given the go ahead, the design will be sent to the laser cutter.

Pay Tribute To Their Memory
Custom memorial benches are a designed to honor the lives of those that have passed. The bench is a place where friends and family can go to remember their loved ones, mourn, and tell stories. It keeps their memory alive, for those who knew the victims and those who did not.
Give us a call at (801) 960-6323 to get started on your memorial bench.
Custom Memorial Bench Durability
At Smith Steelworks, we strive to provide the highest quality memorial benches on the market. Our metal site furniture has been tested to withstand everyday use, all types of weather conditions, and more. We have been in the site furniture business for along time so we understand the importance of durable, long-lasting benches.
For more information, call (801) 960-6323 or click the button below.
Weatherproof Color
Powder is applied to the custom memorial bench and baked at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. This process gives the bench lustrous and excellent protection. The coating is twice as thick as average paint and is resistant to chips and scratches. Select a powder coat color here.
Call (801) 960-6323 or email to start bench order.